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Geoffrey Chaucer
translation: A. S. Kline

Book V: The Betrayal

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Notes to Book V

BkV:1 Parcae, the Fates: The Three Fates. The Three Sisters, the daughters of Night. Clotho, the spinner of the thread of life, Lachesis, chance or luck, and Atropos, inescapable destiny. Clotho spins, Lachesis draws out, and Atropos shears the thread. Their unalterable decrees may be revealed to Jupiter but he cannot change the outcome. Here Chaucer makes Lachesis the spinner of the thread of Troilus’s life.

BkV:31 Ixion:King of the Lapithae, father of Pirithoüs, and of the Centaurs. He was punished in Hades for attempting to seduce Juno by being fastened to a continually turning wheel.

BkV:46 Escalipho: Chaucer’s version of Ascalaphus. See Ovid’s Metamorphoses Book V:533-571. The son of Orphne and the River Acheron, he sees Persephone eat the pomegranate seeds, informs on her, and is turned into a screech-owl.

BkV:86 Juno and Thebes: Following Jupiter’s rape of Semele, daughter of Cadmus of Thebes, Juno pursued vengeance against the House of Cadmus ultimately leading to the war of the Seven against Thebes. See various parts of Ovid’s Metamorphoses for elements of her vengeance. See Aeschylus: Seven Against Thebes.

BkV:92 Charybdis: The whirlpool between Italy and Sicily in the Messenian straits. Charybdis was the voracious daughter of Mother Earth and Neptune, hurled into the sea, and thrice, daily, drawing in and spewing out a huge volume of water. (See Homer’s Odyssey)

BkV:94 Lucina:A Roman title of Juno as moon-goddess (strictly Juno Lucetia) and goddess of light and of childbirth.

BkV:95 Phaethon: Son of Clymene, daughter of Oceanus and Tethys whose husband was the Ethiopian king Merops. His true father was Sol, the sun-god ( Phoebus). He asked his mother for proof of his divine origin, and went to the courts of the Sun to see his father who granted him a favour. He asked to drive the Sun chariot but lost control and was destroyed by Jupiter in order to save the earth from being consumed by fire. See Ovid’s Metamorphoses end of Book I and Book II:1-328.

BkV:128 Manes:The Roman Manes or Di Parentes were Gods of the Underworld. They were the object of public and private cult, whose anger was placated by sacrifices. Their festivals were the Parentalia and the Feralia.

BkV:134 Polynices: The brother of Eteocles, the son of Oedipus. The brothers were co-kings of Thebes who fought each other after Eteocles seized the throne. They mortally wounded each other in single combat during the ensuing war of the Seven against Thebes.

BkV:168 Hazel-wood, Jolly Robin: Hazel-wood is a never-never land or land of fantasy. Jolly Robin the fictional Robin Hood.

BkV:208 Cassandra the Sibyl: The daughter of Priam and Hecuba, gifted with prophecy by Apollo, but cursed to tell the truth and not be believed. Taken back to Greece by Agamemnon. The Sibyl was a name for the prophetesses of Apollo in particular the priestess of Apollo in the temple at Cumae built by Daedalus. She (...)


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