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H. P. Lovecraft

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Written: ?

First Published in The Vagrant, (Spring 1927), Pages 61-64

 It was in the pale garden of Zais;
 The mist-shrouded gardens of Zais,
 Where blossoms the white nephalotë,
 The redolent herald of midnight.
 There slumber the still lakes of crystal,
 And streamlets that flow without murm’ring;
 Smooth streamlets from caverns of Kathos
 Where brood the calm spirits of twilight.
 And over the lakes and the streamlets
 Are bridges of pure alabaster,
 White bridges all cunningly carven
 With figures of fairies and daemons.
 Here glimmer strange suns and strange planets,
 And strange is the crescent Banapis
 That sets ’yond the ivy-grown ramparts
 Where thickens the dust of the evening.
 Here fall the white vapours of Yabon;
 And here in the swirl of vapours
 I saw the divine Nathicana;
 The garlanded, white Nathicana;
 The slender, black-hair’d Nathicana;
 The sloe-ey’d, red-lipp’d Nathicana;
 The silver-voic’d, sweet Nathicana;
 The pale-rob’d, belov’d Nathicana.
 And ever was she my beloved,
 From ages when Time was unfashion’d;
 From days when the stars were not fashion’d
 Nor any thing fashion’d but Yabon.
 And here dwelt we ever and ever,
 The innocent children of Zais,
 At peace in the paths and the arbours,
 White-crown’d with the blest nephalotë.
 How oft would we float in the twilight
 O’er flow’r-cover’d pastures and hillsides
 All white with the lowly astalthon;
 The lowly yet lovely astalthon,
 And dream in a world made of dreaming
 The dreams that are fairer than Aidenn;
 Bright dreams that are truer than reason!
 So dream’d and so lov’d we thro’ ages,
 Till came the curs’d season of Dzannin;
 The daemon-damn’d season of Dzannin;
 When red shone the suns and the planets,
 And red gleamed the crescent Banapis,
 And red fell the vapours of Yabon.
 Then redden’d the blossoms and streamlets
 And lakes that lay under the bridges,
 And even the calm alabaster
 Glow’d pink with uncanny reflections
 Till all the carv’d fairies and daemons
 Leer’d redly from the backgrounds of shadow.
 Now redden’d my vision, and madly
 I strove to peer thro’ the dense (...)


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