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Marco Polo
translation: Henry Yule, Henri Cordier

Volume II.

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"In his note to Vol. I., p. 236, M. Cordier [read Mr. Rockhill], who seems to have been misled by d'Avezac, confuses the Ch'ih-leh or T'ieh-leh (who have been clearly proved to be identical with the Tölös of the Turkish inscriptions) with the much later K'eh-lieh or Keraits of Mongol history; at no period of Chinese history were the Ch'ih-leh called, as he supposes, K'i-le and therefore the Ch'ih-leh of the third century cannot possibly be identified with the K'e-lieh of the thirteenth. Besides, the 'value' of leh is 'luck,' whilst the 'value' of lieh is 'leet,' if we use English sounds as equivalents to illustrate Chinese etymology. It is remarkable that the Kin (Nüchen) Dynasty in its Annals leaves no mention whatever of the Kerait tribe, or of any tribe having an approximate name, although the Yüan Shi states that the Princes of that tribe used to hold a Nüchen patent. A solution of this unexplained fact may yet turn up." (E.H. PARKER, Asiatic Quart. Rev., Jan. 1904, p. 139.)

Page 236, note [dagger] Instead of Tura, read Tula. (PELLIOT.)

LI., pp. 245, 248.

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