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Marco Polo
translation: Henry Yule, Henri Cordier

Volume II.

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Speaking of the fabulous countries of women, Chau Ju-kwa, p. 151, writes:
"The women of this country [to the south-east (beyond Sha-hua kung?)
Malaysia] conceive by exposing themselves naked to the full force of the
south wind, and so give birth to female children."

"In the Western Sea there is also a country of women where only three females go to every five males; the country is governed by a queen, and all the civil offices are in the hands of women, whereas the men perform military duties. Noble women have several males to wait upon them; but the men may not have female attendants. When a woman gives birth to a child, the latter takes its name from the mother. The climate is usually cold. The chase with bow and arrows is their chief occupation. They carry on barter with Ta-t'sin and T'ien-chu, in which they make several hundred per cent. profit."

Cf. F. Hirth, China and the Roman Orient, pp. 200-202.

XXXII., pp. 406-7. Speaking of Scotra, Marco (II., p. 406) says: "The ambergris comes from the (...)


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