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Jules Verne
translation: Frederick Amadeus Malleson

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I therefore awoke next day relieved from the preoccupation of an immediate start. Although we were in the very deepest of known depths, there was something not unpleasant about it. And, besides, we were beginning to get accustomed to this troglodyte [l] life. I no longer thought of sun, moon, and stars, trees, houses, and towns, nor of any of those terrestrial superfluities which are necessaries of men who live upon the earth’s surface. Being fossils, we looked upon all those things as mere jokes.

The grotto was an immense apartment. Along its granite floor ran our faithful stream. At this distance from its spring the water was scarcely tepid, and we drank of it with pleasure.

After breakfast the Professor gave a few hours to the arrangement of his daily notes.

“First,” said he, “I will make a calculation to ascertain our exact position. I hope, after our return, to draw a map of our journey, which will be in reality a vertical section of the globe, containing the track of our expedition.”

“That will be curious, uncle; but are your observations sufficiently accurate to enable you to do this correctly?”

“Yes; I have everywhere observed the angles and the inclines. I am sure there is no error. Let us see where we are now. Take your compass, and note the direction.”

I looked, and replied carefully:

[1] tpwgln, a hole; dnw, to creep into. The name of an Ethiopian tribe who lived in caves and holes. ??????, a hole, and ???, to creep into.

“South-east by east.”

“Well,” answered the Professor, after a rapid calculation, “I infer that we have gone eighty-five leagues since we started.!

“Therefore we are under mid-Atlantic?”

“To be sure we are.”

“And perhaps at this very moment there is a storm above, and ships over our heads are being rudely tossed by the tempest.”

“Quite probable.”

“And whales are lashing the roof of our prison with their tails?”

“It may be, Axel, but they won’t shake us here. But let us go back to our calculation. Here we are eighty-five leagues south-east of Snćfell, and I reckon that we are at a depth of sixteen leagues.”

“Sixteen leagues?” I cried.

“No doubt.”

“Why, this is the very limit assigned by science to the thickness of the crust of the earth.”

“I don’t deny it.”

“And here, according to the law of increasing temperature, there ought to be a heat of 2,732° Fahr.!”

“So there should, my lad.”

“And all this solid granite ought to be running in fusion.”

“You see that it is not so, and that, as so often happens, facts come to overthrow theories.”

“I am obliged to agree; but, after all, it is surprising.”

“What does the thermometer say?”

“Twenty-seven, six tenths (82° Fahr.).”

“Therefore the savants are wrong by 2,705°, and the proportional increase is a mistake. Therefore Humphry Davy was right, and I am not wrong in following him. What do you say now?”


In truth, I had a good deal to say. I gave way in no respect (...)


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