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Walt Whitman

(1891-92 issue)

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 Allons! to that which is endless as it was beginningless,
 To undergo much, tramps of days, rests of nights,
 To merge all in the travel they tend to, and the days and nights
 they tend to,
 Again to merge them in the start of superior journeys,
 To see nothing anywhere but what you may reach it and pass it,
 To conceive no time, however distant, but what you may reach it and pass it,
 To look up or down no road but it stretches and waits for you,
 however long but it stretches and waits for you,
 To see no being, not God's or any, but you also go thither,
 To see no possession but you may possess it, enjoying all without
 labor or purchase, abstracting the feast yet not abstracting one
 particle of it,
 To take the best of the farmer's farm and the rich man's elegant
 villa, and the chaste blessings of the well-married couple, and
 the fruits of orchards and flowers of gardens,
 To take to your use out of the compact cities as you pass through,
 To carry buildings and streets with you afterward wherever you go,
 To gather the minds of men out of their brains as you encounter
 them, to gather the love out of their hearts,
 To take your lovers on the road with you, for all that you leave
 them behind you,
 To know the universe itself as a road, as many roads, as roads for
 traveling souls.
 All parts away for the progress of souls,
 All religion, all solid things, arts, governments--all that was or is
 apparent upon this globe or any globe, falls into niches and corners
 before the procession of souls along the grand roads of the universe.
 Of the progress of the souls of men (...)


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