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Walt Whitman

(1891-92 issue)

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 The sum of all known reverence I add up in you whoever you are,
 The President is there in the White House for you, it is not you who
 are here for him,
 The Secretaries act in their bureaus for you, not you here for them,
 The Congress convenes every Twelfth-month for you,
 Laws, courts, the forming of States, the charters of cities, the
 going and coming of commerce and malls, are all for you.
 List close my scholars dear,
 Doctrines, politics and civilization exurge from you,
 Sculpture and monuments and any thing inscribed anywhere are tallied in you,
 The gist of histories and statistics as far back as the records
 reach is in you this hour, and myths and tales the same,
 If you were not breathing and walking here, where would they all be?
 The most renown'd poems would be ashes, orations and plays would
 be vacuums.
 All architecture is what you do to it when you look upon it,
 (Did you think it was in the white or gray stone? or the lines of
 the arches and cornices?)
 All music is what awakes from you when you are reminded by the instruments,
 It is not the violins and the cornets, it is not the oboe nor the
 beating drums, nor the score of the baritone singer singing his
 sweet romanza, nor that of the men's chorus, nor that of the
 women's chorus,
 It is nearer and farther than they.

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