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Walt Whitman

(1891-92 issue)

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 Dead poets, philosophs, priests,
 Martyrs, artists, inventors, governments long since,
 Language-shapers on other shores,
 Nations once powerful, now reduced, withdrawn, or desolate,
 I dare not proceed till I respectfully credit what you have left
 wafted hither,
 I have perused it, own it is admirable, (moving awhile among it,)
 Think nothing can ever be greater, nothing can ever deserve more
 than it deserves,
 Regarding it all intently a long while, then dismissing it,
 I stand in my place with my own day here.
 Here lands female and male,
 Here the heir-ship and heiress-ship of the world, here the flame of
 Here spirituality the translatress, the openly-avow'd,
 The ever-tending, the finale of visible forms,
 The satisfier, after due long-waiting now advancing,
 Yes here comes my mistress the soul.

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