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Walt Whitman

(1891-92 issue)

complete book, e-book



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Who Learns My Lesson Complete?

 Who learns my lesson complete?
 Boss, journeyman, apprentice, churchman and atheist,
 The stupid and the wise thinker, parents and offspring, merchant,
 clerk, porter and customer,
 Editor, author, artist, and schoolboy--draw nigh and commence;
 It is no lesson--it lets down the bars to a good lesson,
 And that to another, and every one to another still.
 The great laws take and effuse without argument,
 I am of the same style, for I am their friend,
 I love them quits and quits, I do not halt and make salaams.
 I lie abstracted and hear beautiful tales of things and the reasons
 of things,
 They are so beautiful I nudge myself to listen.
 I cannot say to any person what I hear--I cannot say it to myself--
 it is very wonderful.
 It is no small matter, this round and delicious globe moving so
 exactly in its orbit for ever and ever, without one jolt or
 the untruth of a single second,
 I do not think it was made in six days, nor in ten thousand years,
 nor ten billions of years,
 Nor plann'd and built one thing after another (...)


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