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Walt Whitman

(1891-92 issue)

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That Music Always Round Me

 That music always round me, unceasing, unbeginning, yet long
 untaught I did not hear,
 But now the chorus I hear and am elated,
 A tenor, strong, ascending with power and health, with glad notes of
 daybreak I hear,
 A soprano at intervals sailing buoyantly over the tops of immense waves,
 A transparent base shuddering lusciously under and through the universe,
 The triumphant tutti, the funeral wailings with sweet flutes and
 violins, all these I fill myself with,
 I hear not the volumes of sound merely, I am moved by the exquisite
 I listen to the different voices winding in and out, striving,
 contending with fiery vehemence to excel each other in emotion;
 I do not think the performers know themselves--but now I think
 begin to know them.

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