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Isaac Asimov
Isaac Asimov - dílo
Série robotů:
- Ocelové jeskyně, 1970 (The Caves of Steel (Elijah Baley I), 1954)
- Nahé slunce, 1994 (The Naked Sun (Elijah Baley II), 1957)
- Roboti úsvitu / Roboti soumraku, 1993 (The Robots of Dawn (Elijah Baley III), 1983)
- Roboti a impérium, 1993 (Robots and Empire (Elijah Baley trilogy sequel), 1985)
- Pozitronický člověk (The Positronic Man, 1993) (spolu s Robertem Silverbergem Robert Silverberg
[15.1.1935-] - )
- Oblázek na obloze / Okruhliak na oblohe, 1993 (Pebble in the Sky, 1950)
- Hvězdy jako prach, 1995 (The Stars, Like Dust, 1951)
- Kosmické proudy, 1994 (The Currents of Space, 1952)
- Nadace, 1991 (Foundation, 1951) (recenze)
- Nadace a Říše, 1991 (Foundation and Empire, 1952)
- Druhá nadace, 1991 (Second Foundation, 1953)
- Nadace na hranicích, 1992 (Foundation's Edge, 1982)
- Nadace a Země, 1992 (Foundation and Earth, 1986) (recenze)
- Předehra k Nadaci, 1992 (Prelude to Foundation, 1988)
- A zrodí se Nadace, 1993 (Forward the Foundation, 1993)
- David Starr: Vesmírný tulák, 1999 (David Starr, Space Ranger, 1952)
- Lucky Starr a piráti z Asteroidů, 1999 (Lucky Starr and the Pirates of the Asteroids, 1953)
- Lucky Starr a oceány Venuše, 1999 (Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus, 1954)
- Lucky Starr a velké slunce Merkuru, 1999 (Lucky Starr and the Big Sun of Mercury, 1956)
- Lucky Starr a měsíce Jupiteru, 1999 (Lucky Starr and the Moons of Jupiter, 1957)
- Lucky Starr a prstence Saturnu (Lucky Starr and the Rings of Saturn, 1958)
- Konec věčnosti, 1993 (The End of Eternity, 1955)
- Fantastická cesta (Fantastic Voyage, 1966)
- Ani sami bohové, 1992 (The Gods Themselves, 1972)
- Fantastická cesta II: Směr mozek / Fantastická cesta II, Místo určení: Mozek, 1992 (Fantastic Voyage II: Destination Brain, 1987)
- Nemesis, 1994 (Nemesis, 1989)
- Příchod noci, 1993 (Nightfall, 1990) (spolu s Robertem Silverbergem Robert Silverberg
[15.1.1935-] - ) - Dítě času, 1994 (The Ugly Little Boy, 1992) (spolu s Robertem Silverbergem Robert Silverberg
[15.1.1935-] - ) - Norby, zmatený robot (Norby, the Mixed-up Robot, 1983) (spolu s Janet Asimovovou)
- Norbyho další tajemství (Norby's Other Secret, 1984) (spolu s Janet Asimovovou)
- Norby a ztracená princezna (Norby and the Lost Princess, 1984) (spolu s Janet Asimovovou)
- Norby a nájezdníci (Norby and the Invaders, 1985) (spolu s Janet Asimovovou)
- Norby a královnin náhrdelník (Norby and the Queen's Necklace, 1986) (spolu s Janet Asimovovou)
- Norby objevuje ničemu (Norby Finds a Villain, 1987) (spolu s Janet Asimovovou)
- Velké dobrodružství Norbyho a Yoba (Norby and Yobo's Great Adventure, 1989) (spolu s Janet Asimovovou)
- Norby a nejstarší drak (Norby and the Oldest Dragon, 1990) (spolu s Janet Asimovovou)
- (Norby and the Court Jester, 1993) (spolu s Janet Asimovovou)
- Já, robot, 1981 (I, Robot, 1950)
- (The Martian Way and Other Stories, 1955)
- (Earth Is Room Enough, 1957)
- (Nine Tomorrows, 1959)
- Zbytek robotů (The Rest of the Robots, 1964)
- (Through a Glass, Clearly, 1967)
- Mluvící kamen, 1992 (Asimov's Mysteries, 1968)
- (Nightfall and Other Stories, 1969)
- (The Early Asimov, 1972)
- (The Best of Isaac Asimov, 1973)
- (Buy Jupiter and Other Stories, 1975)
- Dvěstěletý člověk a jiné povídky (The Bicentennial Man and Other Stories, 1976)
- Kompletní robot, 1992 (The Complete Robot, 1982)
- (The Winds of Change and Other Stories, 1983)
- (The Alternate Asimovs, 1986)
- (The Best Science Fiction of Isaac Asimov, 1986)
- Sny robotů, 1996 (Robot Dreams, 1986)
- Azazel, 1994 (Azazel, 1988)
- Sbohem Země, 1997 (Gold, The Final Science Fiction Collection, 1990)
- Vize robotů, 1994 (Robot Visions, 1990)
- (Magic, 1995)
- Robohistorie I
- Robohistorie II
- Neznámy Asimov I
- Soumrak (Nightfall, 1941)
- Oheň pekelný (Hell-Fire, 1956)
- Dvěstěletý člověk (The Bicentennial Man, 1976)
- Problém čísel
- (The Fun They Had)
- (One Night of Song)
- (The Two-Centimeter Demon)
- (Found!)
- Obchodníci se smrtí (The Death Dealers / A Whiff of Death, 1958)
- Vražda v ABA (Murder at the ABA / Authorized Murder, 1976)
- Povídky Černých vdovců (Tales of the Black Widowers, 1974)
- Další povídky Černých vdovců (More Tales of the Black Widowers, 1976)
- Asimovovy záhady (Asimov's Mysteries)
- Klíčové slovo a jiné záhady (The Key Word and Other Mysteries, 1977)
- Sbírka případů Černých vdovců (Casebook of the Black Widowers, 1980)
- Záhady klubu Union (The Union Club Mysteries, 1983)
- Bankety Černých vdovců (Banquets of the Black Widowers, 1984)
- Zmizelý muž a jiné povídky (The Disappearing Man and Other Mysteries, 1985)
- Nejlepší záhady Isaaka Asimova (The Best Mysteries of Isaac Asimov, 1986)
- Šarády Černých vdovců (Puzzles of the Black Widowers, 1990)
- Návrat Černých vdovců (Return of the Black Widowers, 2003)
- (Fact and Fancy, 1962)
- (View from a Height, 1963)
- (Adding a Dimension, 1964)
- (Of Time, Space, & Other Things, 1965)
- (From Earth to Heaven, 1966)
- (Science, Numbers and I, 1968)
- (The Solar System and Back, 1970)
- (The Stars in Their Course, 1971)
- (Left Hand of the Electron, 1972)
- (The Tragedy of the Moon, 1973)
- (Of Matters Great & Small, 1975)
- (The Planet that Wasn't, 1976)
- (Quasar, Quasar, Burning Bright, 1977)
- (Road to Infinity, 1979)
- (The Sun Shines Bright, 1981)
- (Counting the Eons, 1983)
- (X Stands for Unknown, 1984)
- (The Subatomic Monster, 1985)
- (Far as Human Eye Could See, 1987)
- (The Relativity of Wrong, 1988)
- (Out of Everywhere, 1990)
- (The Secret of The Universe, 1990)
- (The Chemicals of Life, 1954)
- (Inside the Atom, 1956)
- (Only A Trillion, 1957)
- (The World of Carbon, 1958)
- (The World of Nitrogen, 1958)
- Slova Vědy, 1978 (Words of Science and the History Behind Them, 1959)
- (The Clock We Live On, 1959)
- (Asimov on Numbers, 1959)
- (Breakthroughs in Science, 1960)
- (The New Intelligent Man's Guide to Science, 1960/1965)
- (Life and Energy, 1962)
- (The Human Brain, 1964)
- (The Intelligent Man's Guide to Science, 1965 / Asimov's New Guide to Science, 1984)
- (The Universe: From Flat Earth to Quasar, 1966)
- (The Neutrino, 1966)
- (Twentieth Century Discovery, 1969)
- (Great Ideas of Science, 1969)
- (Isaac Asimov's Treasury of Humor, 1971)
- (Asimov's Biographical Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 1964/1972/1982)
- (Asimov's Guide to Science, 1972)
- (More Words of Science, 1972)
- (Please Explain, 1973)
- (Our World in Space, 1974)
- (The Collapsing Universe, 1977)
- (A Choice of Catastrophes, 1979)
- (Views of the Universe, 1981)
- (Exploring the Earth and the Cosmos, 1982)
- (The Measure of the Universe, 1983)
- (Asimov's Chronology of Science and Discovery, 1989)
- (Asimov's Chronology of the World, 1991)
- (Isaac Asimov's Guide to Earth and Space, 1991)
- (Beginnings, 1991)
- (Our Angry Earth, 1991) (spolu s Frederikem Pohlem)
- (The Sun, 2003)
- (Jupiter, 2004)
- (The Earth, 2004)
- (Venus, 2004)
- (Realm of Numbers, 1959)
- (Realm of Measure, 1960)
- (Realm of Algebra, 1961)
- (Quick and Easy Math, 1964)
- (An Easy Introdustion to Slide Rule, 1965)
- (How Did We Find Out About Numbers?, 1973)
- (The History of Mathematics, 1989)
- (Asimov's Annotated "Don Juan")
- (Asimov's Annotated "Paradise Lost")
- (Asimov's Annotated "Gilbert and Sullivan")
- (The Annotated "Gulliver's Travels")
- (Asimov's Guide to the Bible, vols I and II, 1981)
- (Asimov's Guide to Shakespeare, vols I and II, 1970)
- Vzpomínám na mladá léta (In Memory Yet Green, 1979)
- Stále ještě mě život těší (In Joy Still Felt, 1980)
- Já, Asimov, 1995 (I, Asimov: A Memoir, 1994)
- Hugo story 1, 1993 (The Hugo Winners, 1962)
- Těžká planeta, 1971 (Where Do We Go from Here?, 1971)
- Hugo story 2, 1995 (The Hugo Winners, Volume II, 1971)
- Na úsvitu Zlatého věku, 1995 (Before The Golden Age: A Science Fiction Anthology of the 1930s, 1974)
- Rychlý jako gepard a řvoucí jako lev, 1994 (Microcosmic Tales, 1980) (spolu s M.H. Greenbergem a J.D. Olanderem)
- Hugo story 3, 1996 (The Hugo Winners, Volume III, 1977)
- (Opus 100, 1969)
- (The Sensuous Dirty Old Man, 1971)
- (Opus 200, 1979)
- (Isaac Asimov's Book of Facts, 1979)
- (The Roving Mind, 1983)
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