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Orson S. Card
Orson Scott Card - dílo
První práce:
- (Capitol, 1978)
- (Hot Sleep, 1978)
- (A Planet Called Treason, 1978)
- (Songmaster, 1979)
- (Unaccompanied Sonata and Other Stories, 1980)
- (Hart's Hope, 1983)
- (The Worthing Chronicle, 1983 / Hot Sleep a Capitol )
- (Saints, 1983)
- Enderova hra, 2002 (Ender's Game, 1985) (recenze)
- Xenocida, 2002 (Xenocide, 1991)
- Mluvčí za mrtvé, 2002 (Speaker for the Dead, 1986) (recenze)
- Děti ducha, 2002 (Children of the Mind, 1996)
- První setkání, 2003 (First Meetings, 2002)
- Válka o dárky, 2009 (A War of Gifts: An Ender Story, 2007)
- Ender ve vyhnanství (Ender in Exile, 2008)
- (Earth Unaware, 2012)
- Ender's War (Ender's Game + Speaker for the Dead)
- Enderův stín, 2001 (Ender's Shadow, 1999)
- Hegemonův stín, 2003 (Shadow of the Hegemon, 2001)
- Stínové loutky, 2004 (Shadow Puppets, 2002)
- Obrův stín, 2008 (Shadow of the Giant, 2005)
- (Shadows in Flight, 2012)
- (Shadows Alive)
- Sedmý syn, 1999 (Seventh Son, 1987)
- Rudý prorok, 2000 (Red Prophet, 1988)
- Učedník Alvin, 2009 (Prentice Alvin, 1989)
- (Alvin Journeyman, 1995)
- (Heartfire, 1998)
- (The Grinning Man, 1998)
- (The Yazoo Queen, 2003)
- (The Crystal City, 2003)
- (Master Alvin)
- Vzpomínky na Zemi, 1996 (The Memory of Earth, 1992)
- (The Call of Earth, 1992)
- (The Ships of Earth, 1994)
- (Earthfall, 1995)
- (Earthborn, 1995)
- (Sarah, 2000)
- (Rebekah, 2001)
- (Rachel and Leah, 2004)
- (The Wives of Israel)
- (Hot Sleep, 1979)
- (Capitol, 1979)
- (The Worthing Chronicle, 1983)
- (The Worthing Saga, 1990)
- (A Planet Called Treason, 1979)
- Mistr písní, 2007 (Songmaster, 1980)
- Hart's Hope, 1983
- Čorvi, 1998 (Wyrms, 1987)
- Zrada, 2000 (Treason, 1988)
- (The Abyss, 1989)
- (Lost Boys, 1992)
- (Flux: Tales of Human Futures, 1992)
- (The Worthing Waga, 1992)
- Vykoupení Kryštofa Kolumba, 2011 (Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Columbus, 1996)
- (Treasure Box, 1996)
- (Children of the Mind, 1996)
- (Homebody, 1998)
- (Pastwatch: The Flood, 1998)
- (Enchantment, 1999)
- (Orson Scott Card: Beyond Ender's Game, 2002)
- (The Sentinel and Other Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories: And Other Science Fiction and Fantasy Stories, 2004 (spoluatoři Ben Bova, Arthur C. Clarke Arthur Charles Clarke
[16.12.1917-19.3.2008] - , Robert Silverberg Robert Silverberg
[15.1.1935-] - , Greg Bear a Roddy McDowall)) - (Robota, 2005)
- (Posing As People: Three Stories, Three Plays, 2005 (spoluautoři Scott Brick, Aaron Johnston a Emily Janice Card))
- (Enchantment, 2005)
- (Magic Street, 2005)
- (Unaccompanied Sonata and Other Stories, 1981)
- Sonáta bez doprovodu, 1993 (Unaccompanied Sonata, 1979)
- (Cardography, 1987)
- (Hatrack River, 1988)
- (The Folk of the Fringe, 1989)
- Okraj, 1997 (The Fringe, 1985)
- Amerika, 1993 (America, 1987)
- (Maps in the Mirror: The Short Fiction of Orson Scott Card, 1990)
- Hrobka písní, 2002 (The Changed Man, 1992)
- Eumenidy v záchodě ve třetím patre (Eumenides in the Fourth Floor Lavatory)
- Odchod (Quietus)
- Hluboké dýchaní (Deep Breathing Exercices)
- Farma tlouštíků (Fat Farm)
- Zavírání víka času (Closing the Timelid)
- Dálniční hry (Freeway Games)
- Hrobka písní (A Sepulchre of Songs)
- Největší zábrana (Prior Restraint)
- Objevenec a král skečů (The Changed Man and the King of Words)
- Vzpomínky mé hlavy (Memories of My Head)
- Ztracení chlapci (Lost Boys)
- (Flux, 1992)
- (Cruel Miracles, 1992)
- (Monkey Sonatas, 1993)
- Písečná magie, 1994 (Sandmagic, 1979)
- Oko za oko, 1997 (Eye for Eye, 1987)
- Pejskař, 1992 (Dogwalker, 1989)
- (Dragons of Light, 1980)
- (Dragons of Darkness, 1981)
- (Future on Fire, 1991)
- (Black Mist and Other Japanese Futures, 1997 (spoluautor Keith Ferrell))
- (Future on Ice, 1998)
- (Masterpieces: The Best Science Fiction of the Century, 2001)
- (Empire of Dreams & Miracles, 2002)
- (Masterpieces: The Best Science Fiction of the 20th Century, 2004)
- (Posing as People, 2004)
- (Clap Hands and Sing)
- (Lifeloop)
- (Sepulchre of Songs)
- (Listen, Mom and Dad, 1978)
- (Ainge, 1982)
- (Saintspeak, 1982)
- (A Storyteller in Zion, 1993)
- (Characters and Viewpoint, 1988)
- (How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy, 1990)
Akce tohoto týdne:
Paulo Coelho: balíček 5 elektronických knih (PDF+ePub) za 184 110 Kč (-40%)