Gerald Durrell
[životopis] [dílo] [odkazy] [citáty]
Gerald Malcolm Durrell - dílo
- Vdáváme matku a jiné povídky, 1994 (Marrying Off Mother and Other Stories, 1991)
- Ptáci, zvířata a moji příbuzní, 1974 (Birds, Beasts and Relatives, 1969)
- Ostrov v nebezpečí, 1988 (The Mockery Bird, 1981)
- O mé rodině a jiné zvířeně, 1986 (My Family and Other Animals, 1956) (recenze)
- Zahrada bohů, 1996 (The Garden of the Gods / Fauna and Family, 1978)
- Piknik a jiné pohromy, 1995 (The Picnic And Suchlike Pandemonium / The Picnic and Other Inimitable Stories, 1979)
- Růženka je z příbuzenstva (Rosie is My Relative, 1968)
- Chytněte mi guerézu, 1977 (Catch Me a Colobus, 1972)
- Zoo na zámku, 1980 (Menagerie Manor, 1964)
- Opilý prales, 1982 (The Drunken Forest, 1956)
- Šeptající země, 1977 (The Whispering Land, 1961)
- Zoo v kufru, 1979 (A Zoo in My Luggage, 1960)
- Zlatí netopýři a růžoví holubi (Golden Bats And Pink Pigeons: A Journey to the Flora and Fauna of a Unique Island, 1977)
- Mluvící balík, 1983 (The Talking Parcel, 1974)
- Durrell v Rusku (Durrell in Russia, 1986)
- Zakotvená archa, 1997 (The Stationary Ark, 1976)
- Oslí spiknutí (The Donkey Rustlers, 1968)
- Moderní Noe, 1997 (The New Noah, 1955)
- (Keeper, 1990)
- (Toby the Tortoise, 1991)
- (The Fantastic Flying Journey: An Adventure in Natural History, 1987)
- (The Fantastic Dinosaur Adventure: A New Adventure in Natural History, 1989)
- (Puppy Stories: Puppy's Beach Adventure, Puppy's Field Day, Puppy's Pet Pals, Puppy's Wild Time, 1993)
- (Island Zoo: The Animals a Famous Collector Couldn't Part with, 1961)
- Přetížená archa (The Overloaded Ark, 1953)
- Bafutští chrti, 1986 (The Bafut Beagles, 1954)
- Tři jízdenky do Dobrodružství, 1995 (Three Singles to Adventure / Three Tickets to Adventure, 1954)
- Schůzky se zvířaty, 1995 (Encounters with Animals, 1958)
- Dva v buši, 1997 (Two in the Bush, 1966)
- Filé z platýze, 1997 (Fillets of Plaice, 1971)
- Zvířata mi straší ve věži, 1995 (Beasts in My Belfry / A Bevy of Beasts, 1973)
- (Ark on the Move, 1982)
- Kterak sejmout amatérského přírodovědce, 1996 (How to Shoot an Amateur Naturalist, 1984)
- Výročí archy, 1996 (The Ark's Anniversary, 1990)
- Aye-Aye a já, 1994 (The Aye-Aye And I: A Rescue Journey to Save One of the World's Most Intriguing Creatures from Extinction, 1992)
- (The Best of Gerald Durrell, 1996)
- (Look At Zoos, 1961)
- Amatérští přírodovědci (A Practical Guide for the Amateur Naturalist, 1982)