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Jack Higgins
Jack Higgins - dílo
- (Sad Wind from the Sea, 1959)
- (Cry of the Hunter, 1960)
- (The Thousand Faces of Night, 1961)
- (Comes the Dark Stranger, 1962)
- (Hell Is Too Crowded, 1962)
- (The Testament of Caspar Schultz, 1962 / The Bormann Testament, 2006)
- (The Dark Side of the Island, 1963)
- (Pay the Devil, 1963)
- (Seven Pillars to Hell, 1963)
- Rok tygra, 1999 (Year of the Tiger, 1963)
- Noční plavba, 1995 (Passage by Night, 1964)
- (A Phoenix in the Blood, 1964)
- (Thunder at Noon, 1964)
- (Wrath of the Lion, 1964)
- (The Graveyard Shift, 1965)
- Klíče k peklu, 2004 (The Keys of Hell, 1965)
- (A Candle for the Dead, 1966)
- (The Iron Tiger, 1966)
- (Midnight Never Comes, 1966)
- (Brought in Dead, 1967)
- (Dark Side of the Street, 1967)
- (East of Desolation, 1968)
- Vrah, 1993 (Hell Is Always Today, 1968)
- Noc, jako stvořená k umírání, 1995 (A Fine Night for Dying, 1969)
- (In the Hour Before Midnight, 1969)
- (A Game for Heroes, 1970)
- (Night Judgement at Sinos, 1970)
- (The Last Place God Made, 1971)
- (Toll for the Brave, 1971)
- (The Wrath of God, 1971)
- (The Khufra Run, 1972)
- Nemilosrdný den, 1995 (The Savage Day, 1972)
- (A Prayer for the Dying, 1973)
- (The Run to Morning, 1974)
- Orel přistál, 1995 (The Eagle Has Landed, 1975)
- (Storm Warning, 1976)
- (The Valhalla Exchange, 1977)
- (Day of Judgement, 1978)
- (To Catch a King, 1979)
- (Solo / The Cretan Lover, 1980)
- (Luciano's Luck, 1981)
- Ďáblův spolek, 1995 (Touch the Devil, 1982)
- Exocet, 1994 (Exocet, 1983)
- (Confessional, 1985)
- (Night of the Fox, 1986)
- (Memoirs of a Dance Hall Romeo, 1989)
- (A Season in Hell, 1989)
- Cold Harbour, 1997 (Cold Harbour, 1990)
- Orel vzlétl, 1998 (The Eagle Has Flown, 1990)
- Oko bouře nad Downing Street, 1994 (Eye of the Storm, 1992 / Midnight Man, 1996)
- Útes Thunder Point, 1994 (Thunder Point, 1993)
- Na nebezpečné půdě, 1996 (On Dangerous Ground, 1994)
- Anděl smrti, 1999 (Angel of Death, 1995)
- (The Morgan Score, 1995)
- Přípitek se satanášem, 1999 (Drink with the Devil, 1996)
- Prezidentova dcera, 2002 (The President's Daughter, 1997)
- Černý baron, 2000 (Flight of Eagles, 1998)
- Spojka z Bílého domu, 2002 (The White House Connection, 1999)
- Krvavá cesta, 1994 (Bloody Passage, 1999)
- (Day of Reckoning, 2000)
- (Edge of Danger, 2001)
- Dillinger, 1993 (Dillinger, 2001)
- (Midnight Runner, 2002)
- (Bad Company, 2003)
- (Dark Justice, 2004)
- (Without Mercy, 2005)
- (Sure Fire, 2006) (spoluautor Justin Richards)
- (The Killing Ground, 2007)
- (Rough Justice, 2007)
- (Death Run, 2008) (spoluautor Justin Richards)
- (A Darker Place, 2009)
- (First Strike, 2009) (spoluautor Justin Richards)
- (Sharp Shot, 2009) (spoluautor Justin Richards)
- (The Wolf at the Door, 2009)
- (The Judas Gate, 2010)
- (A Devil is Waiting, 2012)
- (The Death Trade, 2013)
- (Rain on the Dead, 2014)
- (The Midnight Bell, 2016)
- Spojka z Bílého domu / Eddieho bastard / N... jako nástraha / Riskantní podnik, 1999
- Výhra / Černý baron / Místo ženy / Pistolník a řeholnice, 1998