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H. P. Lovecraft
Howard Phillips Lovecraft - dílo

Novely a romány:
- Hory šílenství, 1992 / V horách šílenství, 2010 (At the Mountains of Madness, 1931)
- Volání Cthulhu, 1990 (The Call of Cthulhu, 1926)
- (The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, 1927)
- (The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, 1927)
- Stín z času, 1996 (The Shadow Out of Time, 1935)
- (The Alchemist, 1908)
- (Azathoth, 1922)
- (The Beast in the Cave, 1905)
- Za stěnou spánku
(Beyond the Wall of Sleep, 1919)
- (The Book, 1933)
- Ultharské kočky
(The Cats of Ulthar, 1920)
- (Celephais, 1920)
- (The Colour Out of Space, 1927)
- (Cool Air, 1926)
- Dagon
(Dagon, 1917)
- (The Descendant, 1926)
- (The Doom That Came to Sarnath, 1919)
- Sny v čarodějnickém domě, 1992 (The Dreams in the Witch House, 1932)
- Dunwichská hrůza
, 2008 / Hrůza v Dunwichi (The Dunwich Horror, 1928)
- (The Evil Clergyman, 1933)
- (Ex Oblivione, 1921)
- (Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family, 1920)
- Slavnost
/ Účastník slavnosti (The Festival, 1923)
- (From Beyond, 1920)
- (The Haunted House, 1898)
- Zjevení ze tmy (The Haunter of the Dark, 1935)
- On
(He, 1925)
- (Herbert West – Reanimator, 1922)
- (History of the Necronomicon, 1927)
- (The Horror at Red Hook, 1925)
- Ohař (The Hound, 1922)
- (Hypnos, 1922)
- (Ibid, 1928)
- (In the Vault, 1925)
- Ve zdech Eryxu
(In the Walls of Eryx, 1936) (spolu s Kenneth Sterling)
- (John, the Detective, 1898)
- (Life and Death, 1920)
- (The Little Glass Bottle, 1897)
- (The Lurking Fear, 1922)
- (Memory, 1919)
- Měsíční močál
(The Moon-Bog, 1921)
- (The Mound, 1930) (spolu s Zealia Bishop)
- (The Music of Erich Zann, 1921)
- (The Mysterious Ship, 1902)
- (The Mystery of the Grave-Yard, 1898)
- (The Mystery of Murdon Grange, 1918)
- Bezejmenné město
(The Nameless City, 1921)
- (The Night Ocean, 1936) (spolu s R. H. Barlow)
- (The Noble Eavesdropper, 1897)
- (Nyarlathotep, 1920)
- (Old Bugs, 1919)
- (The Other Gods, 1921)
- (Out of the Aeons, 1933) (spolu s Hazel Heald)
- (The Outsider, 1921)
- Pickmanův model
(Pickman’s Model, 1926)
- (The Picture, 1907)
- Obrázek v domě
(The Picture in the House, 1920)
- (Poetry and the Gods, 1920) (spolu s Anna Helen Crofts)
- Polaris
(Polaris, 1918)
- (The Quest of Iranon, 1921)
- Krysy ve zdech
(The Rats in the Walls, 1923)
- (A Reminiscence of Dr. Samuel Johnson, 1917)
- (The Secret of the Grave, 1898)
- (The Secret Cave or John Lees Adventure, 1898)
- Stín nad Innsmouthem
, 1990 (The Shadow Over Innsmouth, 1931)
- (The Shunned House, 1924)
- (The Silver Key, 1926)
- (The Statement of Randolph Carter, 1919)
- (The Strange High House in the Mist, 1926)
- (The Street, 1920)
- (Sweet Ermengarde, 1917)
- (The Temple, 1920)
- Hrůzný stařec (The Terrible Old Man, 1920)
- (The Thing in the Moonlight)
- (The Thing on the Doorstep, 1933)
- (Through the Gates of the Silver Key, 1933) (spolu s E. Hoffmann Price)
- Hrobka
(The Tomb, 1917)
- (The Transition of Juan Romero, 1919)
- (The Tree, 1920)
- (The Tree on the Hill, 1934) (spolu s Duane W. Rimel)
- (Under the Pyramids, 1924)
- (The Unnamable, 1923)
- (The Very Old Folk, 1927)
- (What the Moon Brings, 1922)
- Šepot ve tmě (The Whisperer in Darkness, 1930)
- (The White Ship, 1919)
- Dědictví Peabodyů
(The Peabody Heritage, 1957)
- Dagon a jiné horory, 1990
- K branám Stříbrného klíče, 1991
- Uvězněn s faraóny, 1992 (Imprisoned with the Pharaos)
- Barva z kosmu a jiné horory, 1995
- Hrůza v Dunwichi a jiné horory, 1996
- Hrobka - Příběhy a vize z let 1917-1920, 2010
- Měsíční močál - Příběhy a sny z let 1921-1925, 2011
- Volání Cthulhu 1. - Povídky a romány z let 1926-1930, 2011
- (A Cycle of Verse, 1918)
- (Poemata Minora, Volume II
, 1902)
- (The Fungi From Yuggoth
, 1930)
- (Bouts Rimés, 1934)
- (The Complete Poetry 1890-1937
- (The Art of Fusion, Melting, Pudling & Casting, 1899)
- (Chemistry; 4 extant volumes, 1899)
- (A Good Anaesthetic, 1899)
- (The Scientific Gazette; 32 issues, 1899-1909)
- (The Railroad Review, 1901)
- (My Opinion as to the Lunar Canals, 1903)
- (The Rhode Island Journal of Astronomy; 69 issues, 1909)
- (Astronomy/The Monthly Almanack; 9 issues, 1904)
- (The Planet, 1903)
- (The R.I. Journal of Science & Astronomy, 1903)
- (Annals of the Providence Observatory, 1904)
- (Providence Observatory: Forecast for Providence & Vicinity Next 24h, 1904)
- (The Science Library; 3 extant volumes, 1904)
- (No Transit of Mars, 1906)
- (Trans-Neptunian Planets, 1906)
- (The Moon, 1903-1906)
- (Astronomy Articles for the Pawtuxet Valley Gleaner, 1906)
- (Astronomy Articles for the Providence Tribune, 1908)
- (The Earth Not Hollow, 1906)
- (Does “Vulcan” Exist?, 1906)
- (Third Annual Report of the Prov. Meteorological Station, 1907)
- (Celestial Objects for All, 1907)
- (Astronomical Notebook, 1909-1915)
- (Venus and the Public Eye, 1909)
- (Astronomy Articles for the Providence Evening News, 1918)
- (Science versus Charlatanry, 1914)
- (The Falsity of Astrology, 1914)
- (Astrology and the Future, 1914)
- (Delavan’s Comet and Astrology, 1914)
- (The Fall of Astrology, 1914)
- (Isaac Bickerstaffe’s Reply, 1914)
- (Mysteries of the Heavens Revealed by Astronomy, 1915)
- (Editor’s Note to “The Irish and the Fairies” by Peter J. MacManus, 1916)
- (Brumalia, 1916)
- (The Truth About Mars, 1917)
- (The Cancer of Superstition, 1926)
- (Some Backgrounds of Fairyland, 1932)
- (The Crime of the Century, 1915)
- (The Renaissance of Manhood, 1915)
- (Liquor and Its Friends, 1915)
- (More Chain Lightning, 1915)
- (Old England and the "Hyphen", 1916)
- (Revolutionary Mythology, 1916)
- (The Symphonic Ideal, 1916)
- (Editors Note to McGavacks "Genesis of the Revolutionary War", 1917)
- (A Remarkable Document, 1917)
- (At the Root, 1918)
- (Merlinus Redivivus, 1918)
- (Time and Space, 1918)
- (Anglo Saxondom, 1918)
- (Americanism, 1919)
- (The League, 1919)
- (Bolshevism, 1919)
- (Idealism and Materialism – A Reflection, 1919)
- (Life for Humanity's Sake, 1920)
- (In Defence of "Dagon", 1921)
- (Nietzscheism and Realism, 1922)
- (East and West Harvard Conservatism, 1922)
- (The Materialist Today, 1926)
- (Some Causes of Self-Immolation, 1931)
- (Some Repetitions on the Times, 1933)
- (Heritage or Modernism: Common Sense in Art Forms, 1935)
- (Objections to Orthodox Communism, 1936)
- (The Art of Fusion, Melting, Pudling & Casting, 1899)
- (Chemistry, 4 volumes, 1899)
- (A Good Anaesthetic, 1899)
- (The Railroad Review, 1901)
- (The Moon, 1903)
- (The Scientific Gazette, 1903-4)
- (Astronomy/The Monthly Almanack, 1903-4)
- (The Rhode Island Journal of Astronomy, 1903-7)
- (Annals of the Providence Observatory, 1904)
- (Providence Observatory Forecast, 1904)
- (The Science Library, 3 volumes, 1904)
- (Astronomy articles for The Pawtuxet Valley Gleaner, 1906)
- (Astronomy articles for The Providence Tribune, 1906-8)
- (Third Annual Report of the Providence Meteorological Station, 1906)
- (Celestial Objects for All, 1907)
- (Astronomical Notebook, 1909-15)
- (Astronomy articles for The Providence Evening News, 1914-8)
- ("Bickerstaffe" articles from The Providence Evening News, 1914)
- (Astronomy articles for The Asheville Gazette-News, 1915)
- (Editor's Note to MacManus' "The Irish and the Fairies", 1916)
- (The Truth about Mars, 1917)
- (The Cancer of Superstition, 1926)