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Jules Verne: balíček 12 elektronických knih (PDF+ePub)     za 528  238 Kč (-55%)

Náhodná ukázka:

Colon saluted, and then peered at Carrot.

'You all right, sir? You look like you could do with some sleep.'

Ten o'clock, or various attempts thereof, began to boom around the city. Carrot turned away from the window.

'I've been out looking,' he said.

'Three more recruits this morning already,' said Colon. They'd asked to join 'Mr Carrot's army'. He was slightly worried about that.


'Detritus is giving 'em very basic training,' said Colon. 'It works, too. After an hour of him shouting in their ear, they do anything I tell 'em.'

'I want all the men we can spare up on the rooftops between the Palace and the University,' said Carrot.

'There's Assassins up there already,' said Colon. 'And the Thieves' Guild have got men up there, too.'

'They're Thieves and Assassins. We're not. Make sure someone's up on the Tower of Art as well—'


'Yes, sergeant?'

'We've been talking … me and the lads … and, well …'


'It'd save a lot of trouble if we went to the wizards and asked them—'

'Captain Vimes never had any truck with magic.'

'No, but…'

'No magic, sergeant.'

'Yes, sir.'

'Guard of honour all sorted out?'

'Yes, sir. Their cohorts all gleaming in purple and gold, sir.'


'Very important, sir, good clean cohorts. Frighten the life out the enemy.'


'But I can't find Corporal Nobbs, sir.'

'Is that a problem?'

'Well, it means the honour guard'll be a bit smarter, sir.'

'I've sent him on a special errand.'

'Er … can't find Lance-Constable Angua, either.'


Colon braced himself. Outside, the bells were dying away.

'Did you know she was a werewolf?'

'Um … Captain Vimes kind of hinted, sir …'

'How did he hint?'

Colon took a step back.

'He sort of said, "Fred, she's a damn werewolf. I don't like it any more than you do, but Vetinari says we've got to take one of them as well, and a werewolf's better than a vampire or a zombie, and that's all there is to it." That's what he hinted.'

'I see.'

'Er … sorry about that, sir.'

'Just let's get through the day, Fred. That's all—'

abing, abing, a-bing-bong—

'We never even presented the captain with his watch,' said Carrot, taking it out of his pocket. 'He must have gone off thinking we didn't care. He was probably looking forward to getting a watch. I know it always used to be a tradition.'



(Terry Pratchett, Discworld - Men At Arms)

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