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Frederik Pohl
Frederik George Pohl - dílo

Série Space Merchants:
- Obchodníci s vesmírem, 1987 (The Space Merchants, 1953) spoluautor Cyril M. Kornbluth
- (The The Merchants' War, 1984)
- (Venus, Inc., 1985)
- (Undersea Quest, 1954) spoluautor Jack Williamson
- (Undersea Fleet, 1956) spoluautor Jack Williamson
- (Undersea City, 1958) spoluautor Jack Williamson
- (The Undersea Trilogy, 1992)
- (The Reefs of Space, 1964) spoluautor Jack Williamson
- (Starchild, 1965) spoluautor Jack Williamson
- (Rogue Star, 1969) spoluautor Jack Williamson
- (The Starchild Trilogy, 1977)
- Obchodníci z Venuše (The Merchants of Venus, 1972)
- Gateway / Brána, 2004 (Gateway, 1977)
- Za modrým horizontem událostí / Za horizontem modrého jevu, 2004 (Beyond the Blue Event Horizon, 1980)
- Setkání s Heechee (Heechee Rendezvous, 1984)
- Anály Heechee, 2005 (The Annals of the Heechee, 1987)
- Cesta na Gateway, 2006 (The Gateway Trip: Tales and Vignettes of the Heechee, 1990)
- Kvočna pro Fénixe (Hatching the Phoenix, 1999)
- Chlapec, který chtěl žít věčně (The Boy Who Would Live Forever, 1999)
- (A Home for the Old Ones, 2002)
- Chlapec, který bude žít navěky, 2008 (The Boy Who Would Live Forever, 2004)
- (The Other End of Time, 1996)
- (The Siege of Eternity, 1997)
- (The Far Shore of Time, 1999)
- (The Eschaton Sequence, 1999)
- (Farthest Star, 1975) spoluautor Jack Williamson
- (Wall Around a Star, 1983) spoluautor Jack Williamson
- Man Plus, 2010 (Man Plus, 1976)
- (Mars Plus, 1994) spoluautor Thomas T. Thomas
- (Alternating Currents, 1956)
- (The Case Against Tomorrow, 1957)
- (Tomorrow Times Seven, 1959)
- (The Man Who Ate the World[, 1960)
- (Turn Left at Thursday, 1961)
- (The Wonder Effect, 1962) spoluautor Cyril M. Kornbluth
- (The Abominable Earthman,, 1963)
- (The Frederik Pohl Omnibus, 1966)
- (Day Million, 1970)
- (The Gold at the Starbow's End, 1972)
- (The Best of Frederik Pohl, 1975)
- (In The Problem Pit, 1976)
- (The Early Pohl, 1976) :
- (Critical Mass, 1977) spoluautor Cyril M. Kornbluth
- (Survival Kit, 1979)
- (Before the Universe, 1980) spoluautor Cyril M. Kornbluth
- (Midas World, 1983)
- (Pohlstars, 1984)
- (Tales from the Planet Earth, 1986) ,
- (BiPohl, 1987) ,
- (Our Best: The Best of Frederik Pohl and C. M. Kornbluth, 1987)
- (Platinum Pohl, 2005)
- (Search the Sky, 1954) spoluautor Cyril M. Kornbluth
- (Gladiator-at-Law, 1955) spoluautor Cyril M. Kornbluth
- (A Town Is Drowning, 1955) spoluautor Cyril M. Kornbluth
- (Preferred Risk, 1955) spoluautor Lester del Rey
- Otrokářská loď (Slave Ship, 1956)
- (Presidential Year, 1956) spoluautor Cyril M. Kornbluth
- (Sorority House, 1956) spoluautor Cyril M. Kornbluth
- (Wolfbane, 1957) spoluautor Cyril M. Kornbluth
- Opilcova chůze (Drunkard's Walk, 1960)
- Hadí pohroma (A Plague of Pythons, 1965)
- Čas tichošlápků (The Age of the Pussyfoot, 1969)
- (Jem, 1979)
- (Like Unto the Locust, 1979)
- (The Cool War, 1981)
- (Starburst, 1982)
- (The Years of the City, 1984)
- (Demon in the Skull, 1984)
- Midasův svět (Midas World, 1984)
- (Black Star Rising, 1985)
- Teror, 1994 (Terror, 1986)
- Kvantové kočky přicházejí (The Coming of the Quantum Cats, 1986)
- Černobyl (Chernobyl, 1987)
- (The Day the Martians Came, 1988)
- (Narabedla Ltd., 1988)
- Návrat domů (Homegoing, 1989)
- Svět na konci času, 1995 (The World at the End of Time, 1990)
- (Outnumbering the Dead, 1990)
- (The Singers of Time, 1991) spoluautor Jack Williamson.
- (Stopping at Slowyear, 1991)
- (Mining the Oort, 1992)
- (The Voices of Heaven, 1994)
- (O Pioneer!, 1998)
- (Far Shore of Time, 1999)
- Poslední teorém, 2009 (The Last Theorem, 2008)
- (Practical Politics, 1971)
- (The Viking Settlements of North America, 1972)
- (The Way the Future Was: A Memoir, 1978)
- (Science Fiction Studies in Film, 1980)
- (New Visions: A Collection of Modern Science Fiction Art, 1982)
- (Our Angry Earth, 1991) spoluautor Isaac Asimov
- (Prince Henry Sinclair: His Expedition to the New World in 1398, 1995)
- (Chasing Science: Science as Spectator Sport, 1995)
- Tunel pod světem, 1981
- Fermi a mráz, 1999
- Co dělat než přijde přivolaný psychoanalytik, 1967