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Robert Silverberg
Robert Silverberg - dílo
- Revolt on Alpha C, 1955
- (The Thirteenth Immortal, 1956)
- (Master of Life and Death, 1957)
- (Collision Course, 1958)
- (Invaders from Earth, 1958)
- (Aliens from Space, 1958)
- (Invisible Barriers, 1958)
- (Starman's Quest, 1958)
- (Lost Race of Mars, 1960)
- (Recalled To Life, 1962)
- (The Silent Invaders, 1963)
- (Regan's Planet, 1964)
- (The Gate of Worlds, 1967)
- (Planet of Death, 1967)
- Trny (Thorns, 1967)
- (Those Who Watch, 1967)
- Skokani v čase (The Time Hoppers, 1967)
- (To Open the Sky, 1967)
- (World's Fair 1992, 1968)
- Muž v labyrlntu, 1991 (The Man in the Maze, 1968)
- (The Masks of Time, 1968)
- Dolů k zemi, 1995 (Downward to the Earth, 1969)
- (Across a Billion Years, 1969)
- Křídla noci, 1996 (Nightwings, 1969)
- (Three Survived, 1969)
- (To Live Again, 1969)
- Proti proudu času, 1987 (Up the Line, 1969)
- (Tower of Glass, 1970)
- (Son of Man, 1971)
- Druhý výlet (The Second Trip, 1971)
- Svět uvnitř (The World Inside, 1971)
- (A Time of Changes, 1971)
- Strážci lebek, 2004 (The Book of Skulls, 1972)
- Umírat v nitru, 1995 (Dying Inside, 1972)
- (The Stochastic Man, 1975)
- (Shadrach in the Furnace, 1976)
- Hrad lorda Valentina, 1995 (Lord Valentine's Castle, 1980)
- Návrat domů, 1992 (Homefaring, 1982)
- Majipoorské kroniky, 1995 (Majipoor Chronicles, 1982)
- Valentin pontifex, 1996 (Valentine Pontifex, 1983)
- (Lord of Darkness, 1983)
- Gilgameš v pustinách, 1992 (Gilgamesh in the Outback, 1984)
- Král Gilgameš (Gilgamesh the King, 1984)
- Plout do Cařihradu (Sailing to Byzantium, 1984)
- (Tom O'Bedlam, 1985)
- (Star of Gypsies, 1986)
- Tajný společník (The Secret Sharer, 1987)
- (At Winter's End, 1988)
- (The New Springtime, 1990)
- Do země živých (To the Land of the Living, 1990)
- (Nightfall, 1990)
- Narozen s mrtvými (Born with the Dead)
- (Thebes of the Hundred Gates, 1991)
- (The Face of the Waters, 1991)
- (The Ugly Little Boy, 1992)
- (Kingdoms of the Wall, 1992)
- Pozitronový muž (The Positronic Man, 1992) (spolu s Isaacem Asimovem Isaac Asimov
[2.1.1920-6.4.1992] - ) - Příští zastávka hvězdy (Next Stop the Stars)
- Do vzdálených světů (To Worlds Beyond)
- (Hot Sky at Midnight, 1994)
- Hory Majipooru (The Mountains of Majipoor, 1995)
- (Starborne, 1996)
- (The Alien Years, 1997)
- Majipoorští čarodějové (Sorcerers of Majipoor, 1997)
- Noční skvost (Beauty in the Night, 1997)
- Sedmá schrána (The Seventh Shrine, 1998)
- Lord Prestimion (Lord Prestimion, 1999)
- (The Book of Changes)
- (The King of Dreams, 2001)
- (The Longest Way Home, 2002)
- Roma eterna, 2000 (Roma Eterna, 1999)
- Stíny noci, 1993
- Absolutně neochvějný (Absolutely Inflexible, 1956)
- (Needle in a Timestack, 1966)
- (The Calibrated Alligator, 1969)
- Třináctý rozměr (Dimension Thirteen, 1969)
- Když nás mýty opustily (After the Myths Went Home, 1969)
- Stanice Hawksbill (Hawksbill Station, 1970)
- (The Cube Root of Uncertainty, 1970)
- (Moonferns & Starsongs, 1971)
- (The Reality Trip and Other Implausibilities, 1972)
- (Sunrise On Mercury, 1975)
- (The Best of Robert Silverberg, 1976)
- (The Shores of Tomorrow, 1976)
- (Capricorn Games, 1979)
- (World of a Thousand Colors, 1982)
- (Beyond the Safe Zone, 1986)
- (The Conglomeroid Cocktail Party, 1984)
- (Foundation's Friends, 1989)
- Vhoď vojáka. Později vhoď dalšího. (Enter a Soldier. Later: Enter Another, 1989)
- (The Collected Stories of Robert Silverberg: Secret Sharers, 1992)
- (War of the Worlds: Global Dispatches, 1996)
- (Multiples)
- Spatřit neviditelného (To See the Invisible Man)
- (Phases of the Moon, 2004)
- (In the Beginning, 2006)
- (To Be Continued: The Collected Stories Volume 1, 2006)
- (To The Dark Star: The Collected Stories Volume 2, 2007)
- (Lost Cities and Vanished Civilizations, 1962)
- (The Great Wall of China, 1965)
- (The Crusades, 1965)
- (Light for the World: Edison and the Power of Electricity, 1967)
- (Men Against Time: Salvage Archaeology in the United States, 1967)
- (The Morning of Mankind: Prehistoric Man in Europe, 1967)
- (The Search for Eldorado, 1967)
- (Sophisticated Sex Techniques in Marriage, 1967)
- (The World of the Rain Forests, 1967)
- (Four Men Who Changed the Universe, 1968)
- (Ghost Towns of the American West, 1968)
- (Mound Builders of Ancient America: The Archaeology of a Myth, 1968)
- (Sam Houston, 1968)
- (The South Pole: A Book to Begin On, 1968)
- (The Stolen Election: Tilden vs. Hayes, 1876)
- (Stormy Voyager, 1968)
- (Mound-Builders of Ancient America, 1968)
- (The Challenge of Climate: Man and His Environment, 1969)
- (Clocks for the Ages: How Scientists Date the Past, 1971)
- (Into Space: A Young Person's Guide to Space Exploration, 1971)
- (To the Western Shore: Growth of the United States, 1971)
- (John Muir, Prophet Among the Glaciers, 1972)
- (The Realm of Prester John, 1972)
- (The World Within the Ocean Wave, 1972)
- (The World Within the Tide Pool, 1972)
- (Drug Themes in Science Fiction, 1974)
- (The Science Fiction Hall of Fame Volume One, 1929–1964)