Gary Snyder
[životopis] [dílo] [odkazy]
Gary Snyder - dílo
- Mýty a texty (Myths & Texts, 1960)
- Šest úryvků z Hor a cest bez konce (Six Sections from Mountains and Rivers Without End, 1965)
- (The Back Country, 1967)
- (Riprap and Cold Mountain Poems, 1969)
- (Regarding Wave, 1969)
- Želví ostrov (Turtle Island, 1974)
- (The Old Ways, 1977)
- (He Who Hunted Birds in His Father's Village: The Dimensions of a Haida Myth, 1979)
- (The Real Work, 1980)
- (Axe Handles, 1983)
- (Passage Through India, 1983)
- (Left Out in the Rain, 1988)
- (The Gary Snyder Reader: Prose, Poetry, and Translations, 1999)
- (No Nature: New and Selected Poems, 1992)
- Hory a řeky bez konce (Mountains and Rivers Without End, 1996)
- (Danger on Peaks, 2005)