Mark Twain
[životopis] [dílo] [odkazy] [citáty]
Mark Twain - dílo

- Pověstný skákavý žabák z okresu Calaveras a jiné prózy (The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County, 1867)
- Našinci na cestách (The Innocents Abroad, 1869)
- (Autobiography and First Romance, 1871)
- Jak jsem se protloukal (Roughing It, 1872)
- Pozlacený věk (The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today, 1873)
- (Sketches New and Old, 1875)
- (Old Times on the Mississippi, 1876)
- Dobrodružství Toma Sawyera, 1954 (The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
, 1876) (recenze, ukázky)
- (A True Story and the Recent Carnival of Crime, 1877)
- (Punch, Brothers, Punch! and other Sketches, 1878)
- Tulák v cizině (A Tramp Abroad, 1880)
- (1601: Conversation, as it was by the Social Fireside, in the Time of the Tudors, 1880)
- Princ a chuďas (The Prince and the Pauper, 1882)
- Život na Mississippi (Life on the Mississippi, 1883)
- Dobrodružství Huckleberryho Finna
, 1961 (Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
, 1884) (recenze, ukázky)
- Yankee z Connecticutu na dvoře krále Artuše (A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, 1889)
- Americký nápadník (The American Claimant, 1892)
- (Merry Tales, 1892)
- Miliónová bankovka a další povídky (The $1,000,000 Bank Note and Other New Stories, 1893)
- Tom Sawyer na cestách a jiné prózy (Tom Sawyer Abroad, 1894)
- (Pudd'n'head Wilson/The Tragedy Of Pudd'n'head Wilson, 1894)
- Tom Sawyer detektivem a jiné povídky (Tom Sawyer Detective, 1896)
- Osobní vzpomínky Jany z Arku (Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc, 1896)
- (How to Tell a Story and other Essays, 1897)
- Podél rovníku (Following the Equator, 1897)
- Člověk, který zkorumpoval Hadleyburg (The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg, 1900)
- (Edmund Burke on Croker and Tammany, 1901)
- Člověku sedícímu ve tmě (To The Person Sitting In Darkness), 1901
- (A Double Barrelled Detective Story', 1902)
- Obrana generála Funstona (A Defence Of General Funston), 1902
- (A Dog's Tale, 1904)
- Carův monolog (Czar's Soliloquy, 1905)
- Monolog krále Leopolda (King Leopold's Soliloquy, 1905)
- (The War Prayer, 1905)
- (The $30,000 Bequest and Other Stories, 1906)
- Co je člověk? (What Is Man?, 1906)
- (Christian Science, 1907)
- Nejlepší příběhy o koních, 1998 (A Horse's Tale, 1907)
- (Is Shakespeare Dead?, 1907)
- (Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven, 1909)
- Dopisy z planety Země (Letters from the Earth, 1909)
- Tajemný cizinec (The Mysterious Stranger, 1916)
- Autobiografie (Mark Twain's Autobiography, 1924)