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Edgar Wallace
Edgar Horatio Edgar Wallace - dílo
Balíček knih tohoto autora ke stažení(CZ)
- Čtyři spravedliví, 1928 / Muž nad zákon, 1999 (The Four Just Men / The Law of the Four Just Men, 1905)
- Rada spravedlnosti, 1930 (The Council of Justice, 1908)
- Tři spravedliví / V hadím obětí, 1928 / Detektivní ústav Tří spravedlivých, 1929 (The Law of the Three Just Men / Again the Three Just Men, 1921)
- (The Three Just Men, 1929)
- Spravedlíví muži z Cordovy, 1992 (The Just Men of Cordova, 1917)
- Spolek devíti, 1931 (The Nine Bears, 1910)
- (The Admirable Carfew, 1914)
- Sanders, 1933 (Sanders of the River, 1911)
- (The People of the River, 1912)
- Řeka diamantů , 1928 (The River of Stars, 1913)
- Bosambo, 1933 (Bosambo of the River, 1914)
- Pán černých králů, 1930 (Sandi the Kingmaker, 1922)
- (Sanders / Mr. Commissioner Sanders, 1926)
- (Again Sanders, 1928)
- Ochránci králova míru, 1934 (The Keepers of the King's Peace, 1930)
- Bones, 1937 / Bones - Dobrodružství v Africe (Bones, 1915)
- Pod žhavým sluncem, 1927 (Lieutenant Bones, 1918)
- Vyzáblý dědic, 1932 (Bones in London, 1921)
- Bones, 1934 / Bones od řeky (Bones of the River, 1932)
- Pokoj č. 13, 1928 (Room 13, 1924)
- Detektiv - zločinec?, 1933 / Zloděj mramoru, 1997 (The Mind of Mr J G Reeder / Murder Book of J.G. Reeder, 1925)
- Hrůzný přízrak, 1931 / Tajemství usedlosti Terror Keep, 1930 (The Terror Keep, 1927)
- Vůdce, 1998 (The Guv'nor / Mr. Reeder Returns, 1932)
- (Mr J. G. Reeder Returns, 1932)
- Červená esa, 1932 (Red Aces, 1929)
- Plíživá smrt , 1992
- Žabí bratrstvo, 1928 (The Fellowship of the Frog, 1925)
- Šprýmař / Skvělý Harlow, muž vysoké hry, 1929 / Sprýmař, 1992 / Vtipálek, 1994 (The Joker / The Colossus, 1926)
- Lišák, 1928 (The Twister, 1928)
- Bílá tvář, 1930 (White Face, 1930)
- (Good Evans / The Educated Man, 1926)
- (More Educated Evans, 1926)
- Velká noha, 1929 (The Big Foot, 1927)
- Dům na samotě, 1929 (The Lone House Mystery, 1929)
- Maska, 1928 (The Ringer, 1928)
- Vzkřísení "Masky", 1929 (Again The Ringer, 1929)
- (Unofficial Despatches, 1901)
- Dědicové miliónů, 1929 / Boj o milióny, 1931 (Angel esquire, 1908)
- Vévoda z předměstí, 1929 (The Duke in the Suburbs, 1909)
- Evin ostrov, 1937 (Eve's Island, 1909)
- (The Cheaters, 1910)
- Čtvrtý mor, 1929 (The Fourth Plague, 1913)
- Šedivý Timothy, 1930 / Šejdíř Pinlow, 1991 (The Grey Timothy, 1913)
- Muž, jenž koupil Londýn, 1930 (The Man Who Bought London, 1915)
- Katuška a deset, 1928 (Kate Plus 10, 1917)
- Vyděrač, 1928 / Dům hrůzy , 1992 (The Secret House, 1917)
- (The Clue of the Twisted Candle, 1917)
- (The Adventures of Heine, 1919)
- Zelený rez, 1928 (The Green Rust, 1917)
- Muž, jenž všecko věděl, 1930 (The Man Who Knew, 1918)
- Vůně narcisu, 1929 / Lord podvodník / Mŕtvy s narcismi, 1987 (The Daffodil Mystery / Daffodil Murder, 1920)
- Křížový spodek, 1928 (Jack O'Judgment, 1920)
- Lordem proti své vůli, 1928
- Anděl hrůzy, 1998 / Kokainová dáma, 1993 (The Angel of Terror / The Destroying Angel, 1922)
- Padesát pět, 1929 (Flying Fifty-five, 1922)
- Záhada rudého kruhu, 1994 (The Crimson Circle, 1922)
- Údolí duchů, 1925 (The Valley of Ghosts, 1922)
- Kniha všemohoucnosti, 1929 (The Book of All-Power, 1923)
- Kapitán, 1932 (Captains of Souls, 1923)
- Záhada podzemí, 1928 (The Clue of the New Pin, 1923)
- Ztracený milion, 1925 (The Missing Million , 1923)
- Tajemný Dan, 1930 (Double Dan / Diana of Kara-Kara, 1924)
- Tvář v noci, 1926 (The Face in the Night, 1924)
- Signály přes údolí, 1928 (The Three Oak Mystery, 1924)
- (The Sinister Man, 1924)
- Dcery noci, 1929 (The Daughters of the Night, 1925)
- Vládce temnot, 1928 (A King by Night, 1925)
- Lovec hlav , 1938 (The Hairy Arm / The Avenger, 1925)
- Záhadná hraběnka, 1927 (The Strange Countess, 1925)
- Pen z Polyanthy, 1927 (Penelope of the Polyantha, 1926)
- Příběh za milion dolarů, 1929 (The Million Dollar Story, 1926)
- Šťasný klikař, 1992 (We Shall See!, 1926)
- Barbora ve svém, 1931 (Barbara on Her Own, 1926)
- Žlutý had, 1928 (The Yellow Snake, 1926)
- Splacený dluh, 1929 (A Debt Discharged, 1926)
- Čtyřhranný smaragd, 1930 (The Square Emerald / The Girl from Scotland Yard, 1926)
- Černý opat , 1930 (The Black Abbot, 1926) (recenze)
- Dům se sedmi zámky, 1928 / Dveře se sedmi zámky, 1988 (The Door with Seven Locks, 1926)
- Zelený lučištník, 1927 (The Green Archer, 1926)
- Muž z Maroka, 1929 (The Man from Morocco, 1926)
- Tramp severu, 1929 (The Northing Tramp / The Tramp, 1926)
- Člověk nikdo, 1929 (The Man Who Was Nobody, 1927)
- Mstitel, 1929 (The Mixer, 1927)
- Soudcův zločin, 1929 (Mr Justice Maxwell, 1927)
- Druhé poschodí, 1930 (Flat 2, 1927)
- (The Forger / The Clever One, 1927)
- Opeřený had, 1928 (The Feathered Serpent , 1927)
- Práskač, 1929 (The Squeaker: London's Underworld of Crime / The Squealer, 1927)
- Číslo šest, 1929 (Number Six, 1927)
- Brána zrádců, 1929 (The Traitor's Gate, 1927)
- Modrá ruka, 1928 (The Blue-Hand, 1927)
- Brigand, 1929 (The Brigand, 1927)
- Dvojník, 1997 (The Double, 1928)
- Střelec, 1930 (The Gunner / Gunman's Bluff, 1928)
- Létající oddíl, 1928 (The Flying Squad, 1928)
- (The Ringer: The Gaunt Stranger, 1928)
- Smečka děsu , 1927 (The Terrible People, 1926)
- Mrtvé oči Londýna, 1929 (The Dark Eyes Of London, 1924)
- (For Information Received, 1929)
- Cizí jméno, 1934 (Man who changed his name, 1929)
- Muž, který nikdy neprohrál , 1995 (The Little Green Man, 1929)
- Nebezpečná hra, 1933 (The case of Joe Attymar, 1929)
- Démantová spona, 1933 (Cassius Kennedy)
- Záhadná nálepka , 1934 (Four-Square Jane, 1929)
- (The Ghost of Down Hill, 1929)
- Vězeň 43, 1929
- Neznámé síly, 1928
- Zlaté podsvětí, 1930 / Zlatý Hádes, 1969 (The Golden Hades, 1929)
- Zelená stuha, 1930 (The Green Ribbon, 1929)
- (The Iron Grip, 1929)
- (Planetoid 127, 1929)
- Gumoví muži, 1929 (The India Rubber Men: Inspector John Wade, 1929)
- (The Queen of Sheba's Belt, 1929)
- Kalendář, 1932 (The Calendar, 1930)
- Případ Stretelliové (The Stretelli Case, 1930)
- Stříbrný klíč, 1930 (The Clue of the Silver Key / The Silver Key, 1930)
- Krádež v expresu, 1930 (Down under Donovan, 1930)
- Dr. Laffin, 1929 (The Hand of Power, 1930)
- Slepá ulička, 1931 (The Lady of Ascot, 1930)
- (Silinski - Master Criminal: Detective T.B.Smith, 1930)
- Soudný den, 1932 (The Day of Uniting, 1930)
- (The Thief in the Night, 1930)
- (John Flack, 1930)
- Hostinský od Erbu, 1932 (The Coat of Arms / The Arranways Mystery, 1931)
- (The Ringer Returns, 1931)
- Ďábel, 1931 (The Devil Man, 1931)
- Harry komorník, 1931 (The Man at the Carlton, 1931)
- Postrach Chicaga , 1931 (On the Spot: Violence and Murder in Chicago, 1931)
- Kapitán, 1932 (The man who passed, 1932)
- Skleněný trezor, 1932 / Skrytý poklad, 1936 (The Treasure House, 1932)
- Stevard, 1932 (The Steward, 1932)
- Poděšená lady, 1933 (The Frightened Lady / The Mystery of the Frightened Lady, 1932)
- Hodiny smrti, 1935 / Sir Peter / Sir Petr, 1936 (Sergeant Sir Peter / Sergeant Dunn, C.I.D., 1932)
- Když gangsteři ovládli Londýn , 1932 / Detektiv z USA, 1971 (When the Gangs Came to London, 1932)
- Tři karty, 1935 (The Green Pack, 1933)
- Honba za pokladem , 1933
- Poslední dobrodružství, 1937 / Přízraky z temnot, 1994 (The Last Adventure, 1934)
- Žena z východu, 1936 / Žena z Východu a jiné povídky, 1994 (The Woman from the East, 1934)
- Tlampač, 1935 (The Mouthpiece, 1935)
- Začouzená cela , 1935 (Smoky Cell, 1935)
- Stůl, 1936 (The Table, 1936)
- (Death Packs a Suitcase, 1961)
- Kód číslo 2
- Postrach, 1970 (The Terror)
- King Kong, 2005 (King Kong, 1965) (spoluatoři: Merian C. Cooper a Delos W. Lovelace)
- (The Road to London, 1986)
- Místo smrti , 1993
- Ďábel Poginski, 1994 (The Last Adventure and Selected Stories)
- Kroky v přítmí, 1995 (The Last Adventure and Other Stories)
- Jeden se zmýlil, 1999
- Zamilovaný strážník , 2000
- Mise, která selhala (The Mission That Failed, 1898)
- (The Trial of the Seddons: And Other Stories)
- (Writ in Barracks, 1900)
- (Heroes All: Gallant Deeds of the War, 1914)
- (The Governor of Chi-Foo: And Other Detective Stories, 1933)
- (Circumstantial Evidence: And Other Stories, 1934)
- (Fighting Snub Reilly: And Other Stories, 1934)
- (Nig-nog: And Other Humorous Stories, 1934)
- Zločiny v Žabím lesíku, 1994 (The Sooper: And Others, 1984)
- (The Death Room, 1986)
- (Classic Crime Stories, 1995) (spoluatoři: G. K. Chesterton, Maurice Le Blanc, Robert Louis Stevenson)
- Ewe znamená smrt, 1995 (Selected Stories I., II.) (spoluator: Carl Myers)
- Inspektor Orátor, 1929 (The Orator, 1928)
- (Selected Novels, 1985)
- (The Standard History of the War, 1914)
- (The War of the Nations, 1914) (spoluator: William le Queux)
- (Kitchener's Army and the Territorial Forces: The Full Story of a Great Achievement, 1915)
- (This England, 1927)
- (People: Autobiography, 1929)
- (Great Stories of Real Life, 1930) (spoluator: William le Queux)
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Paulo Coelho: balíček 5 elektronických knih (PDF+ePub) za 184 110 Kč (-40%)