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Miguel Cervantes: balíček 2 elektronických knih (PDF+ePub)     za 98  74 Kč (-25%)

Náhodná ukázka:

Lord Vassenego smiled.

"Now," he said, "it is time."

The other senior demons looked a bit shifty. They were, of course, steeped in evil, and Astfgl was definitely Not One Of Us and the most revolting little oik ever to oil his way into the post...

But... well, this... perhaps there were some things that were too...

"`Learn from the ways of humans`," mimicked Vassenego. "He bade me learn from humans. Me! The impudence! The arrogance! But I watched, oh, yes. I learned. I planned."

The look on his face was unspeakable. Even the lords of the nethermost circles, who gloried in villainy, had to turn their heads.

Duke Drazometh the Putrid raised a hesitant talon.

"But if he even suspects," he said, "I mean, he has a foul temper on him. Those memos -" He shuddered.

"But what are we doing?" Vassenego spread his hands in a gesture of innocence. "Where is the harm in it? Brothers, I ask you: where is the harm?"

His fingers curled. The knuckles shone white under the thin, blue-veined skin as he surveyed the doubting faces.

"Or would you rather receive another statement of policy?" he said.

Expressions twitched as the lords made up their minds like a row of dominoes falling over. There were some things on which even they were united. No more policy statements, no more consultative documents, no more morale-boosting messages to all staff. This was Hell, but you had to draw the line somewhere.

Earl Beezlemoth rubbed one of his three noses. "And humans somewhere thought this up all by themselves?" he said. "We didn't give them any you know, hints?"

Vassenego shook his head.

"All their own work," he said proudly, like a fond schoolmaster who has just seen a star pupil graduate summa cum laude.

The earl stared into infinity. "I thought we were supposed to be the ghastly ones," he said, his voice filled with awe.

The old lord nodded. He'd waited a long time for this. While others had talked of red-hot revolution he'd just stared out into the world of men, and watched, and marvelled.

This Rincewind character had been extremely useful. He'd managed to keep the King totally occupied. He'd been worth all the effort. The damn-fool human still thought it was his fingers doing the business! Three wishes, indeed!


(Terry Pratchett, Discworld - Faust Eric)

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