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Anthony Burgess
John Anthony Wilson Burgess - dílo
- (Time for a Tiger, 1956)
- (The Enemy in the Blanket, 1958)
- (Beds in the East, 1959)
- Právo na odpověď (The Right to an Answer, 1960)
- Doktor je nemocný (The Doctor is Sick, 1960)
- Červ a prsten (The Worm and the Ring, 1960)
- Dost dobrá země (Devil of a State, 1961)
- Potlesk jednou rukou (One Hand Clapping, 1961)
- Mechanický pomeranč (A Clockwork Orange, 1962) (recenze)
- Zlotřilé sémě (The Wanting Seed, 1962)
- Med pro medvědy (Honey for the Bears, 1963)
- Uvnitř pana Enderbyho (Inside Mr. Enderby, 1963)
- (The Eve of St. Venus, 1964)
- (Nothing Like the Sun: A Story of Shakespeare's Love Life, 1964)
- Jako bych viděl hradby (A Vision of Battlements, 1965)
- Nekalé úmysly (Tremor of Intent: An Eschatological Spy Novel, 1966)
- (Enderby Outside, 1968)
- (M/F, 1971)
- (Sophocles' Oedipus the King, 1972)
- (Napoleon Symphony: A Novel in Four Movements, 1974)
- (The Clockwork Testament, or Enderby's End, 1974)
- (Moses: A Narrative, 1976)
- (Beard's Roman Women, 1976)
- (Will and Testament: A Fragment of Biography, 1977)
- (Abba Abba, 1977)
- (1985, 1978)
- (Man of Nazareth (based on his screenplay for Jesus of Nazareth), 1979)
- (Earthly Powers, 1980)
- (The End of the World News: An Entertainment, 1982)
- (Enderby's Dark Lady, or No End of Enderby, 1984)
- (The Kingdom of the Wicked, 1985)
- (Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac, 1985)
- (Oberon Past and Present (with J.R. Planche), 1985)
- (The Pianoplayers, 1986)
- (Blooms of Dublin: A Musical Play Based On James Joyce's Ulysses, 1986)
- (Bizet's Carmen, libretto, 1986)
- (A Clockwork Orange: A Play With Music, 1987)
- (Any Old Iron, 1988)
- (The Devil's Mode and Other Stories, 1989)
- (Mozart and the Wolf Gang, 1991)
- (A Dead Man in Deptford, 1993)
- (Byrne: A Novel (in verse), 1995)
- (Revolutionary Sonnets and Other Poems, ed. Kevin Jackson, 2002)
- (English Literature: A Survey for Students, 1958)
- (The Novel To-day, 1963)
- (Language Made Plain, 1964)
- (Here Comes Everybody: An Introduction to James Joyce for the Ordinary Reader, 1965)
- (The Coaching Days of England, 1966)
- (The Age of the Grand Tour, 1966)
- (The Novel Now: A Student's Guide to Contemporary Fiction, 1967)
- (Urgent Copy: Literary Studies, 1968)
- (The Novel (esej v Encyclopaedia Britannica), 1970)
- (Shakespeare, 1970)
- (What is Pornography?, 1970) (esej v Perspectives on Pornography, ed. Douglas A. Hughes)
- (Joysprick: An Introduction to the Language of James Joyce, 1973)
- (Obscenity and the Arts, 1973)
- (New York, 1976)
- (A Christmas Recipe, 1977)
- (Ernest Hemingway and his World, 1978)
- (Scrissero in Inglese, 1979)
- (This Man and Music, 1982)
- (On Going To Bed, 1982)
- (Ninety-Nine Novels: The Best in English since 1939 – A Personal Choice, 1984)
- (Flame Into Being: The Life and Work of D.H. Lawrence, 1985)
- (Homage to QWERT YUIOP: Selected Journalism 1978-1985 / But Do Blondes Prefer Gentlemen?: Homage to QWERT YUIOP and Other Writings, 1986)
- Malý Wilson a velký Bůh (Little Wilson and Big God, Being the First Part of the Confessions of Anthony Burgess, 1986)
- (An Essay on Censorship (letter to Salman Rushdie in verse), 1989)
- (You've Had Your Time, Being the Second Part of the Confessions of Anthony Burgess, 1990)
- (On Mozart, 1991)
- (A Mouthful of Air: Language and Languages, Especially English, 1992)
- (Childhood, 1996)
- (One Man's Chorus: The Uncollected Writings, 1998)
- (Rencontre au Sommet, 1998)
- (Spain: The Best Travel Writing from the New York Times, 2001)
- (Return Trip Tango and Other Stories from Abroad, 2003)
- (A Long Trip to Tea Time, 1976)
- (The Land Where The Ice Cream Grows, 1979)