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Robert Graves
Robert Ranke Graves - dílo
- (Over the Brazier, 1916)
- (Goliath and David, 1917)
- (Fairies and Fusiliers, 1917)
- (Treasure Box, 1920)
- (Country Sentiment, 1920)
- (The Pier-Glass, 1921)
- (Whipperginny, 1923)
- (The Feather Bed, 1923)
- (Mock Beggar Hall, 1924)
- (Welchmans Hose, 1925)
- (Poems, 1925)
- (The Marmosites Miscellany, 1925)
- (Poems (1914-1926), 1927)
- (Poems (1914-1927), 1927)
- (Poems 1929, 1929)
- (Ten Poems More, 1930)
- (Poems 1926-1930, 1931)
- (To Whom Else?, 1931)
- (Poems 1930-1933, 1933)
- Sebrané básně (Collected Poems, 1938)
- (No More Ghosts: Selected Poems, 1940)
- (Work in Hand, 1942) (spolu s Normanem Cameronem a Alanem Hodgem)
- (Poems, 1943)
- (Poems 1938-1945, 1945)
- (Collected Poems (1914-1947), 1948)
- (Poems and Satires, 1951)
- (Poems 1953, 1953)
- (Collected Poems 1955, 1955)
- (Poems Selected by Himself, 1957)
- (The Poems of Robert Graves, 1958)
- (Collected Poems 1959, 1959)
- (The Penny Fiddle: Poems for Children, 1960)
- (More Poems 1961, 1961)
- (Collected Poems, 1961)
- (New Poems 1962, 1962)
- (The More Deserving Cases: Eighteen Old Poems for Reconsideration, 1962)
- (Man Does, Woman Is, 1964)
- (Ann at Highwood Hall: Poems for Children, 1964)
- (Love Respelt, 1965)
- (Collected Poems 1965, 1965)
- (Seventeen Poems Missing from 'Love Respelt', 1966)
- (Colophon to 'Love Respelt', 1967)
- (Poems 1965-1968, 1968)
- (Poems About Love, 1969)
- (Love Respelt Again, 1969)
- (Beyond Giving, 1969)
- (Poems 1968-1970, 1970)
- (The Green-Sailed Vessel, 1971)
- (Poems: Abridged for Dolls and Princes, 1971)
- (Poems 1970-1972, 1972)
- (Deyá, A Portfolio, 1972)
- (Timeless Meeting: Poems, 1973)
- (At the Gate, 1974)
- (Collected Poems 1975, 1975)
- (New Collected Poems, 1977)
- (The Centenary Selected Poems, 1995)
- (Complete Poems Volume 1, 1995)
- (Complete Poems Volume 2, 1996)
- (Complete Poems Volume 3, 1999)
- (The Complete Poems in One Volume, 2000)
- Výbor z básní, 1992
- Kráska v nesnázích
- (My Head! My Head!, 1925)
- (The Shout, 1929)
- (No Decency Left, 1932) (společně Laurou Ridingovou)
- (The Real David Copperfield, 1933)
- Já, Claudius (I, Claudius, 1934) (recenze a ukázky)
- Claudius Bůh a jeho žena Messalina (Claudius the God, 1934)
- (Antigua, Penny, Puce, 1936)
- Hrabě Belisarius (Count Belisarius, 1938)
- Amerika seržanta Lamba (Sergeant Lamb of the Ninth, 1940)
- (Proceed, Sergeant Lamb, 1941)
- Žena pana Miltona (The Story of Marie Powell: Wife to Mr. Milton, 1943)
- Zlaté rouno (The Golden Fleece, 1944)
- Král Ježíš (King Jesus, 1946)
- Zvedá se severní vítr (Watch the North Wind Rise, 1949)
- Ostrov nerozumu (The Islands of Unwisdom, 1949)
- Homérova dcera (Homer's Daughter, 1955)
- (Catacrok! Mostly Stories, Mostly Funny, 1956)
- (They Hanged My Saintly Billy, 1957)
- (Collected Short Stories, 1964)
- (An Ancient Castle, 1980)
- Soubor povídek, výbor Mozaika, 1991
- (On English Poetry, 1922)
- (The Meaning of Dreams, 1924)
- (Poetic Unreason and Other Studies, 1925)
- (Contemporary Techniques of Poetry: A Political Analogy, 1925)
- (Another Future of Poetry, 1926)
- (Impenetrability or The Proper Habit of English, 1927)
- (The English Ballad: A Short Critical Survey, 1927)
- (Lars Porsena or The Future of Swearing and Improper Language, 1927)
- Přehled moderní poezie (A Survey of Modernist Poetry, 1927) (spolu s Laurou Ridingovou)
- Lawrence z Arábie / Lawrence a Arabové (Lawrence and the Arabs, 1927)
- (A Pamphlet Against Anthologies, 1928) (spolu s Laurou Ridingovou)
- (Mrs. Fisher or The Future of Humour, 1928)
- Ztracená léta / Sbohem tomu všemu (Goodbye to All That: An Autobiography, 1929 (rozšířené 1957))
- (But It Still Goes On: An Accumulation, 1930)
- (T. E. Lawrence to His Biographer Robert Graves, 1938)
- (The Long Weekend, 1940) (spolu s Alanem Hodgem)
- (The Reader Over Your Shoulder, 1943) (spolu s Alanem Hodgem)
- Bílá bohyně (The White Goddess, 1948)
- Obyčejný asfodél (The Common Asphodel: Collected Essays on Poetry 1922-1949, 1949)
- (Occupation: Writer, 1950)
- (The Nazarene Gospel Restored, 1953) (spolu s Joshuem Podro)
- Řecké mýty, 1982 (The Greek Myths, 1955)
- Nejvyšší privilégium (The Crowning Privilege: The Clark Lectures, 1954-1955, 1955)
- (Adam's Rib, 1955)
- (Jesus in Rome, 1957) (spolu s Joshuem Podro)
- (Steps, 1958)
- (5 Pens in Hand, 1958)
- (Food for Centaurs, 1960)
- (Greek Gods and Heroes, 1960)
- (Selected Poetry and Prose, 1961)
- Oxfordské projevy o poezii (Oxford Addresses on Poetry, 1962)
- (The Siege and Fall of Troy, 1962)
- (The Big Green Book, 1962)
- (Hebrew Myths, 1964)
- (Majorca Observed, 1965)
- (Mammon and the Black Goddess, 1965)
- (Two Wise Children, 1966)
- (Poetic Craft and Principle, 1967)
- (The Poor Boy Who Followed His Star, 1968)
- Řecké mýty a legendy (Greek Myths and Legends, 1968)
- (The Crane Bag, 1969)
- (On Poetry: Collected Talks and Essays, 1969)
- (Difficult Questions, Easy Answers, 1972)
- Výbor z korespondence
- Výbor z korespondence 1, 1988
- Výbor z korespondence 2, 1990
- (Collected Writings on Poetry, 1995)
- (Some Speculations on Literature, History, and Religion, 2000)