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Agatha Christie
Agatha Mary Clarissa Mallowan Christie - dílo
Romány a novely:
- Záhada na zámku Styles (The Mysterious Affair at Styles, 1920)
- Tajemný protivník (The Secret Adversary, 1922)
- Vražda na golfovém hřišti / Pozvánka pro Hercula Poirota (The Murder on the Links, 1923)
- Muž v hnědém obleku (The Man in the Brown Suit, 1924)
- (The Secret of Chimneys, 1925)
- Vražda Rogera Ackroyda (The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, 1926)
- Velká čtyřka (The Big Four, 1927)
- Záhada Modrého vlaku (The Mystery of the Blue Train, 1928)
- Záhada sedmi ciferníků (The Seven Dials Mystery, 1929)
- Vražda na faře (The Murder at the Vicarage, 1930)
- Sittafordská záhada (The Sittaford Mystery / Murder at Hazelmore, 1931)
- Dům na úskalí (Peril at End House, 1932)
- Smrt Lorda Edgwarea (Lord Edgware Dies / Thirteen at Dinner, 1933)
- Vražda v Orient-expresu (Murder on the Orient Express, 1934) (recenze)
- Proč nepožádali Evanse? (Why Didn't They Ask Evans? / The Boomerang Clue, 1934)
- Smrt v oblacích (Death in the Clouds / Death in the Air, 1935)
- Tragédie o třech jednáních (Three Act Tragedy / Murder in Three Acts, 1935)
- Vraždy podle abecedy (The A.B.C. Murders / The Alphabet Murders, 1936)
- Karty na stole (Cards on the Table, 1936)
- Vražda v Mezopotámii (Murder in Mesopotamia, 1936)
- Smrt na Nilu (Death on the Nile, 1937) (recenze)
- Němý svědek (Dumb Witness / Poirot Loses a Client and Mystery at Littlegreen House / Murder at Littlegreen House, 1937)
- Schůzka se smrtí (Appointment with Death, 1938)
- Vánoce Hercula Poirota (Hercule Poirot's Christmas / Murder for Christmas / A Holiday for Murder, 1938)
- Deset malých černoušků (And Then There Were None / Ten Little Indians / Ten Little Niggers, 1939)
- Vždyť je to hračka (Murder Is Easy / Easy to Kill, 1939)
- Nástrahy zubařského křesla (One, Two, Buckle My Shoe / An Overdose of Death / The Patriotic Murders, 1940)
- Temný cypřiš (Sad Cypress, 1940)
- Zlo pod sluncem (Evil Under the Sun, 1941)
- N či M? (N or M?, 1941)
- Mrtvá v knihovně (The Body in the Library, 1942)
- Pět malých prasátek (Five Little Pigs / Murder in Retrospect, 1943)
- Není kouře bez ohýnku (The Moving Finger / The Case of the Moving Finger, 1943)
- Nultá hodina (Towards Zero / Come and Be Hanged, 1944) (recenze)
- Nakonec přijde smrt (Death Comes as the End, 1945)
- Cyankáli v šampaňském (Sparkling Cyanide / Remembered Death, 1945)
- Poslední weekend (The Hollow / Murder After Hours, 1946)
- Čas přílivu (Taken at the Flood / There is a Tide, 1948)
- Hadí doupě (Crooked House, 1949)
- Oznamuje se vražda (A Murder Is Announced, 1950)
- (They Came to Baghdad, 1951)
- Smrt staré posluhovačky (Mrs. McGinty's Dead / Blood Will Tell, 1952)
- Smysluplná vražda (They Do It with Mirrors / Murder with Mirrors, 1952)
- Po pohřbu (After the Funeral / Funerals are Fatal / Murder at the Gallop, 1953)
- Kapsa plná žita (A Pocket Full of Rye, 1953)
- Miesto určenia neznáme (Destination Unknown / So Many Steps to Death, 1954)
- Zlatá brána otevřená (Hickory Dickory Dock / Hickory Dickory Death, 1955)
- Hra na vraždu (Dead Man's Folly, 1956)
- Vlak z Paddingtonu (4:50 from Paddington / What Mrs. McGillycuddy Saw / Murder, She Said, 1957)
- Zkouška neviny (Ordeal by Innocence, 1958)
- Mačka medzi holubmi (Cat Among the Pigeons, 1959)
- Plavý kůň (The Pale Horse, 1961)
- Prasklé zrcadlo (The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side / The Mirror Crack'd, 1962) (recenze)
- Hodiny (The Clocks, 1963)
- Karibské tajemství (A Caribbean Mystery, 1964)
- V hoteli Bertram (At Bertram's Hotel, 1965)
- Třetí dívka (Third Girl, 1966)
- Nekonečná noc (Endless Night, 1967)
- Dům u kanálu (By the Pricking of My Thumbs, 1968)
- Viděla jsem vraždu (Hallowe'en Party, 1969)
- (Passenger to Frankfurt, 1970)
- Nemesis (Nemesis, 1971)
- Sloni mají paměť (Elephants Can Remember, 1972)
- (Postern of Fate, 1973)
- Opona: Poirotův poslední případ (Curtain: Poirot's Last Case, 1975)
- Zapomenutá vražda (Sleeping Murder, 1976)
- (Problem at Pollensa Bay, 1992)
- (While the Light Lasts / While the Light Lasts and Other Stories, 1997)
- Poirotova pátrání (Poirot Investigates, 1924)
- Zločiny pro dva (Partners in Crime, 1929)
- (The Mysterious Mr. Quin, 1930)
- 18 oříšků k rozlousknutí (The Thirteen Problems, 1932)
- (The Hound of Death, 1933)
- (The Listerdale Mystery, 1934)
- Parker Pyne zasahuje (Parker Pyne Investigates, 1934)
- (Murder in the Mews, 1937)
- (Regatta Mystery and Other Stories)
- Herkulovské úkoly pro Hercula Poirota (The Labours of Hercules, 1947)
- (The Witness for the Prosecution and Other Stories)
- (Three Blind Mice and Other Stories)
- (The Under Dog and Other Stories)
- (The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding, 1960)
- (Double Sin and Other Stories)
- (The Golden Ball and Other Stories)
- (Poirot's Early Cases, 1974)
- (Miss Marple's Final Cases / Miss Marple's Final Cases and Two Other Stories, 1979)
- (Problem at Pollensa Bay)
- (The Harlequin Tea Set)
- (While the Light Lasts and Other Stories)
- Záhadné zmizení lorda Listerdalea
- Obrův chléb (Giant's Bread, 1930)
- Nedokončený portrét (Unfinished Portrait, 1934)
- Já nebyl u tebe když přicházelo jaro (Absent in the Spring, 1944)
- (An Occurrence in Scottsdale, 1945)
- (The Rose and the Yew Tree, 1948)
- Dcera je dcera (A Daughter's a Daughter, 1952)
- Břemeno (The Burden, 1956)
- (The Secret of Chimneys, 1925)
- Vražda Rogera Ackroyda (Alibi, 1928)
- (Black Coffee, 1930)
- Slavičí hnízdo (Love from a Stranger, 1936)
- (Akhnaton - A play in three acts, 1937)
- Hercule Poirot zasahuje (Peril at End House, 1940)
- Deset malých černoušků (Ten Little Niggers, 1943)
- Schůzka se smrtí (Appointment with Death, 1945)
- Smrt na Nilu (Murder on the Nile, 1946)
- Vražda na faře (The Murder at the Vicarage, 1949)
- Poslední weekend (The Hollow, 1951)
- Past na myši (The Mousetrap, 1952)
- Svědek obžaloby (Witness for the Prosecution, 1953)
- (Spider's Web, 1954)
- Nultá hodina (Towards Zero, 1956)
- (Verdict, 1958)
- Neočekávaný host (The Unexpected Guest, 1958)
- Pět malých prasátek (Go Back for Murder, 1960)
- Trojčlenka (Rule of Three, 1962)
- (Fiddlers Three, 1972)
- Oznamuje se vražda (A Murder Is Announced, 1977)
- Karty na stole (Cards on the Table, 1981)
- Vlastní životopis
- Pověz mi, jak žijete